July 2016
What wonderful news: One of the biggest German newspapers recommends our app “Flip Flip with Bato”.
We’re very flattered – so let’s do the Bato-dance!!
iOS 15: Some of our apps do not run properly on iOS 15. We currently work on updating all our apps, and apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your patience.
Stay safe and WEAR A MASK!
October 2020
Dear app user, due to significant technical changes with iOS 14 we have to upload and release anew all our apps. This will need some time and we try to keep the period you potentially cannot use our apps as short as possible.
October 2018
Dear app user, due to significant technical changes with iOS 12 and the new device formats we have to upload and release anew all our apps. This will need some time and we try to keep the period you potentially cannot use our apps as short as possible.
July 2017
What an honor! The most respected test magazine ÖKO-TEST recommends “Flip Flip with Bato” as one of the best apps for school kids!
Thanks a lot!
July 2016
What wonderful news: One of the biggest German newspapers recommends our app “Flip Flip with Bato”.
We’re very flattered – so let’s do the Bato-dance!!
October 2020
Dear app user, due to significant technical changes with iOS 14 we have to upload and release anew all our apps. This will need some time and we try to keep the period you potentially cannot use our apps as short as possible.
October 2018
Dear app user, due to significant technical changes with iOS 12 and the new device formats we have to upload and release anew all our apps. This will need some time and we try to keep the period you potentially cannot use our apps as short as possible.
July 2017
What an honor! The most respected test magazine ÖKO-TEST recommends “Flip Flip with Bato” as one of the best apps for school kids!
Thanks a lot!
July 2016
What wonderful news: One of the biggest German newspapers recommends our app “Flip Flip with Bato”.
We’re very flattered – so let’s do the Bato-dance!!