Oktober 2020
Wir bitten vielmals um Entschuldigung!
Sehr geehrter App-Nutzer, aufgrund technischer Änderungen mit iOS 14 müssen wir alle unsere Apps neu hochladen und veröffentlichen. Wir bedauern die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Die Monster sind los! Hörst du die Leute schreien!? Wer bloß hat diese furchteinflößenden Monster erschaffen?
Jetzt in deinem App Store!
Monsterforscher Vic und sein Roboter Otto lassen dich in ihr geheimes Labor, um dort die gruseligsten Kreaturen zu erschaffen.
Kombiniere Köpfe, Hörner, Tentakel mit Schleim und Flügeln und sonstigen absurden Dingen.
Baue ohne Zeitdruck hunderte von verrückten Monstern, sammle sie und erschrecke die Nachbarn… aber…Hey! Wer hat den Panda ins Labor gelassen?!
Suche dir den Ort aus, wo du dein verrücktes Monster frei lassen möchtest. Wen möchtest du zum Kreischen bringen – in der Schule, im Supermarkt, im Park oder doch im Museum?
Mach Fotos von deinen Kreaturen, denk dir lustige Namen und Nachrichten dazu aus und sende sie an deine Freunde.
Ein verrückter Spaß für die gesamte Familie! In unserem OTATAA Kinder-App Labor entwickelte sich ein wahrer Wettstreit zwischen Kindern und Eltern, wer die absurdesten Monster baut und die Leute erschreckt. (Unserer Meinung nach, haben die Kinder knapp gewonnen…)
Die besten Exemplare haben wir ausgedruckt und an die Wand gehängt – denn verrückte Monster kann man nie genug um sich haben…
Weniger <
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Während unsere ersten
Geschichten gerade
den Weg in die App
Stores dieser Welt
finden, wird im
Hintergrund bereits
fleißig an weiteren
tollen Projekten
Who the heck is OTATAA? It’s simple, really. We are a team of young dreamers who develop innovative venues for tablet entertainment. We love cake. We need coffee. And telling stories is our passion.
Our apps are unique because we’ve put our hearts and talents together from all over the world to create enriching tablet-based entertainment. The apps are chock full of art, humor, and excitement that grab your attention and keep you coming back for more again and again!
The OTATAA team wanders off the beaten path to chase new and crazy ideas and think outside the box (or the barn in this case)! We live for stories that draw the imagination into another dimension!
Come explore the magic world of OTATAA!
We let the cow out and embrace our imagination!
We absolutely love to “let our inner cow out” when inventing our adventures, abandoning traditional storytelling and expanding new media horizons. OTATAA lives for helping all ages across the globe create a lifetime of memories together while embracing our imagination. OTATAA creates some pretty cool entertainment venues because we tell captivating stories in a very rich environment with tech-savvy features.
We’re going to let you in on a little secret… “Let the cow out!” is our motto that we lean on in our team meetings to remind us that there’s no holding back our creativity, imagination, and inspiration. We’re going to let you in on another little secret about our unique office outlook… We see famous Swiss mountains like Pilatus or Rigi and actual Swiss cows grazing every single day. Divulging which team members have already dreamed of actually letting those cows out, however, would be going too far. 😉
Art Director and Paella Master
Our enthusiastic hairy monster who stores endless cool ideas in his fur, but
would forget everything for fries!
Your photo here! Become a monster talent by applying for one of our most excellent jobs!
Check out our job offers in the „hiring“ section.
Lead Engineer App Production and super atom
The Kasparow in our team: he’s always three steps ahead!
Your photo here! Become a monster talent by applying for one of our most excellent jobs!
Check out our job offers in the „hiring“ section.
Illustrator and Surprise Box
The man with the mask: Behind this face is the biggest, unexpected world of humor and fantasy!
Composer and Ukulele Superstar
With his tiny ukulele, this tall guy is the “Pied Piper” of melodies: Tunes just follow his cool beat!
Lead Animator+Illustrator and Chili dealer
40 happy dogs can’t be wrong! Our singing sunshine is the hottest
spice on our team!
Creative Director + Founder
The visionary and spirit of our team. Always big ideas and always big hunger!
Junior Art Director and Cake Machine
The candy of our cave: Full of love, unicorns, apple cakes – and MONSTERS!
Head of Technology + Founder
The engineer and tech-guru of our world: Full of “Eureka!
Excel sheets, and vanilla ice cream!
Art Director and Color Dancer
She shot out of her fantastic world of colors like a rainbow directly into the heart of our team.
Lead Animator and Sunny Vanilla King
Luckily we found Vitor in the wide, wild internet: our team wants to have an animation at midnight? No problem – Vitor is in da house 😉
2D “FBF & Cutout” Animator
OTATAA provides 2D “frame-by-frame & cutout” animators the awesome opportunity to become part of our permanent team by creating short, hilarious, animated movies for our wide spectrum of products.
• Your expertise is in both 2D FBF and Cutout animation, and you are passionate about your work.
• You are highly creative, produce high quality work, and have a clear orientation and opinion about what great artwork is that catches the attention of the target audience and makes it fun.
• If you are someone who likes to work alone to create your masterpieces, we will try not to crowd you and give you your space.
• You have skills in both Photoshop as well as any 2D animation tool.
• You have a great sense of humor, love details, and are passionate about your work.
• Since our various projects and products are ongoing, our primary goal is a long-term and continuous collaboration.
• You will start working as an independent contractor (“freelancer”). You can work from home as well as from our location in Zug. For all remote teamwork, we collaborate via phone, Skype, or e-mail, etc.
• The better we get to know each other, the more motivated we are to trust each other. Helping you achieve your long-term career goals is one of our top priorities.
If you think you’re a good match, and you are able to provide sufficient talent, motivation, and time, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Just send an e-mail with “2D FBF and Cutout Animator” in the subject line along with some work samples (web links are fine too) to contact_jobs@otataa.ch. We look forward to hearing from you!
Composer and Sound Designer
OTATAA looks forward to cooperating with talented individuals in music composition and sound design. You will compose background music and atmospheres for a variety of projects, and create sounds as well as other acoustical effects.
• Compositions may not be managed by any performance rights organization – for example, by ASCAP in the U.S., or GEMA in Germany.
• You will start working as an independent contractor (“freelancer”). You can work from home as well as from our location in Zug. For all remote teamwork, we collaborate via phone, Skype, e-mail, etc.
If you think you’re a good match, and you are able to provide sufficient talent, motivation and time, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Just send an e-mail with “composer” or „sound designer“ in the subject line along with some work samples (web links are fine too) to contact_jobs@otataa.ch We look forward to hearing from you!
OTATAA is constantly looking for new talent in illustration and character design to create high quality multimedia content. You will create cool characters and gripping storyboards in a variety of projects, as well as hilarious backgrounds and illustrations.
• You are creative, able to work independently, and highly motivated; in other words, you love to develop, share and realize your own ideas.
• You have a great sense of humor, love details, and work with passion. You know how to entertain people and make life fun.
• You love to use your powers of imagination and are capable of developing storyboards.
• You work as an independent contractor (“freelancer”) from home and with your own equipment.
• All teamwork happens via phone, Skype, e-mail, etc., as well as from our location in Zug.
• Our goal is a long-term collaboration on a series of projects.
If you think you’re a good match, and you are able to provide sufficient talent, motivation, and time, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Just send an e-mail with “Illustrator for multi-media content” in the subject line along with some work samples (web links are fine too) to contact_jobs@atnovus.ch. We look forward to hearing from you!
Otataa sucht für neue Projekte im Bereich multimedialer Familien-Unterhaltung weitere talentierte Autoren bzw. Drehbuch- und Game-Autoren.
Ziel ist die gemeinsame Schaffung eigener sowie die Vollendung bestehender Geschichten und Drehbücher zwecks deren filmähnlichen Umsetzung in Form interaktiver, Tablet-basierter Unterhaltung (z.B. iPad). Der Umfang liegt in der Dimension eines Bilderbuches bzw. Märchens. Zielpublikum sind sämtliche Altersstufen bis ca. 16 Jahre. Unsere innovativen Formate unterhalten Kinder, Jugendliche und auch deren Eltern gleichermaßen.
Anforderungen und Rahmenbedingungen der Projekte und Ihrer Mitarbeit:
• kreativ, selbständig, motiviert und den neuen Medien offen gegenüber eingestellt
• filmisches Vorstellungsvermögen zwecks geeigneter Erstellung für ein späteres Drehbuch
• interessiert in der Erstellung fröhlich-lustiger und auch spannender Unterhaltung
• Sie arbeiten freiberuflich, primär in Ihren eigenen Räumlichkeiten und mit eigener Technik
• die Teamarbeit erfolgt via Internet-basierter Kollaboration (Telefon, Skype, E-Mail, …); in Abständen und gemeinsamer Absprache arbeiten Sie mit unserem Team auch vor Ort
• großartige Chance, auch für Studenten (ggf. in Synergie mit Diplom-/Studienarbeit)
• Projekt-Folge ist auf längere Frist angesetzt; Beginn ab sofort
Wenn Ihnen diese Rahmenbedingungen zusagen, Sie über entsprechend Talent, Motivation und Zeit verfügen, und ferner bereit sind, Ihre Kreativität auch gemeinsam im Team auszuleben, dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. In diesem Fall besteht Ihr erster Schritt im Senden einer E-Mail mit Titel „Autor(in) im multimedialen Kinder-Unterhaltungsbereich“ an contact_jobs@otataa.ch
Video Artist
OTATAA provides “video artists” the exciting opportunity to become part of our permanent team by creating special effects for our short animated movies, as well as cool trailers announcing our new apps.
• Your talent and passion are not limited to just the technical aspects of video cutting, but include cool artistic ideas as well.
• You are highly creative, produce high quality work, and have a clear orientation and opinion about what great artwork is that catches the attention of the target audience and makes it fun.
• If you are someone who likes to work alone to create your masterpieces, we will try not to crowd you and give you your space.
• Since our various projects and products are ongoing, our primary goal is a long-term and continuous collaboration.
• You will start working as an independent contractor (“freelancer”). You can work from home as well as from our location in Zug. For all remote teamwork, we collaborate via phone, Skype, e-mail, etc.
If you think you’re a good match, and you are able to provide sufficient talent, motivation and time, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Just send an e-mail with “video artist” in the subject line along with some work samples (web links are fine too) to contact_jobs@otataa.ch. We look forward to hearing from you!
Video Artist
OTATAA provides “video artists” the exciting opportunity to become part of our permanent team by creating special effects for our short animated movies, as well as cool trailers announcing our new apps.
• Your talent and passion are not limited to just the technical aspects of video cutting, but include cool artistic ideas as well.
• You are highly creative, produce high quality work, and have a clear orientation and opinion about what great artwork is that catches the attention of the target audience and makes it fun.
• If you are someone who likes to work alone to create your masterpieces, we will try not to crowd you and give you your space.
• Since our various projects and products are ongoing, our primary goal is a long-term and continuous collaboration.
• You will start working as an independent contractor (“freelancer”). You can work from home as well as from our location in Zug. For all remote teamwork, we collaborate via phone, Skype, e-mail, etc.
If you think you’re a good match, and you are able to provide sufficient talent, motivation and time, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Just send an e-mail with “video artist” in the subject line along with some work samples (web links are fine too) to contact_jobs@otataa.ch. We look forward to hearing from you!
OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke makes information and software available on this web site. This is subject to the following terms and conditions. By accessing this web site, you agree to these terms and conditions. OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, at its sole discretion, and without notice. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke.
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OTATAA is a trademark of OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke. Other company, product or service names may be the trademarks or service marks of others.
OTATAA’s website fully honours children’s privacy in the Internet, and complies with the „Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act“ (“COPPA”). OTATAA does not knowingly gather any personal information of children in the age of 13 years or lower. In case OTATAA receives a service request or feedback of a child in the age of 13 years or lower, OTATAA will not collect, store or use any personal information of such a user, but delete it in a safe way.
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Except as expressly provided by a contract between OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke and you, all information and software offered by this web site are provided without warranty and liability. OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke is also not liable for any kind of mistakes or errors as well as for incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind caused by the use of the information and software offered by this web site.
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Any further questions
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the legal department of OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke by the worldwide toll-free phone number ++800-37333853 (++800-DRFEDTKE) or an e-mail to legal@otataa.ch
OTATAA – Dr. Stephen Fedtke • Seestrasse 3a • CH-6300 Zug • Switzerland
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